Illustration | Storyboards | Branding and Logo Design | Print | Demo Reel
DigiGraph artists understand the proper use of drawing, storyboards, creative skill and talent, which provide a foundation for creative excellence. The Result: Our clients experience true artistry from illustrations, storyboards, comprehensive art, and logo designs.
Our talented illustrators work in a variety of traditional and newly developed techniques in support of multiple media design areas. From advertising illustration, preproduction art, corporate and institutional illustration, as well as book illustration, medical illustration and technical illustration, our illustrators provide creative solutions for television, print, short films, visual effects and the web. The Result: Our best efforts are a reward to your next project through visual stimulation and representation.
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During the pre-production process, your project may require storyboards. This scene-by-scene depiction can be a big cost saver and help finalize the direction and flow of the finished project. Our artists provide both black & white drawings as well as full color storyboards. The Result: A cost effective visual depiction of scenes, camera angles and moves prior to the production process.
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Branding and Logo Design
The properly executed identity program will encompass your company’s uniqueness; its direction and impact your selected demographic. A creative solution is developed, implemented and orchestrated in order to facilitate your company’s new identity. The Result: Whether you are a start up business or redefining your company’s image, our seasoned illustrators can provide the creative solutions conducive to your company’s new direction.
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Print Design
From the initial client meetings, as well as throughout the production process; our graphic designers implement their creative talent, the latest digital tools and traditional know-how. The combination of creative approaches lends a variety of creative solutions to your next project. The Result: Our print designers enhance the creative approach by matching your company’s vision, goals and marketing efforts.
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