The Director Generals of IICA

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Director Generals
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Wallace Bressman Allee Samper Madrid Araujo Morillo Piñeiro Aquino Brathwaite

Main emphasis of management:
The new Dimension: The Latin-American Projection.

For twenty years Mr. Samper did outstanding work as a high official of this specialized organization of the OAS and during the last nine years directed its activities with unusual competence, a singular spirit of service, and recognized technical capacity. In assuming the duties of Director General, Mr. Samper, with the backing of the governments, put into effect the “New Dimension” policy, to enable the Institute to contribute more effectively to the strengthening of institutions of higher education, agricultural research, rural development, and agrarian reform.

Mr. Samper considerably expanded the programs of the Institute and coordinated them with those of other international and private agencies until the Institute became a dynamic instrument for speeding up the development of Latin America. Mr. Armando Samper was declared Director Emeritus of the Institute through resolution.


Armando Samper
1960 - 1969